I am pleased to announce that Darker Paths 1: The Necromancer is now available through the BRW Games store at RPGNow.com. Here are the quick stats:
- 20 pages of actual text (covers, license, etc. bring it up to 24 pages)
- Cover and interior art by Jason Sholtis
- Watermarked pdf format
- Over 75 new spells
- Suitable for use with any Basic or Advanced type role-playing game
- Text is designated Open Game Content
- Low, low retail price of $5.00. That’s less than a fast-food meal, and will give you a lot more enjoyment!
I am going to pick this up when I get home tonight!
Will there be a print copy available?
Not in the near future. Given that it's only 24 pages, various factors pointed towards only offering it as a pdf.
Updated my Necromantic Miscellany post to reflect release. Really looking forward to checking this out.
And another thing I'll have to wait till I get home and out from behind the evil Fire Wall o'Doom to order.
Looking forward to trying this out.
I'm not going to complain about the pdf format — I'd rather have it on my computer anyway.
And, yes, this IS going to be better than a fast food meal. 😀