Over at Scott’s World of Thool blog, we are reminded that many of the works of Charles Fort are in the public domain and available online. I’m a fan of such things, so I skimmed through one or two of the books over at Mr. X’s Fortean Site for inspiration and came up with the following table of weird events that can be used to liven up a campaign. Just roll percentile dice or pick one from the list that strikes your fancy.
They can happen as often or as rarely as you like (I would recommend leaning on the side of rarity) and they can be as significant or red-herringesque as you please. Is that rain of snails a sign of diabolic visitation, or is it just some random weirdness that will never be explained? You decide.
The list can also be used to come up with bizzare events for prophecies and omens, side effects of magical or divine occurrences, etc. There are a few references to the fact that Oerth has two moons (Luna and Celene) but other than that it should be portable. I would also say that most of the effects should be pretty local, even the ones that involve figures and lights on the sun and moons (since that only adds to the mystery to me), but if you want to have a planet-wide grey sun for some reason, knock yourself out. Enjoy!
- Purple gelatinous substance falls from the sky.
- Orange rain
- A farm animal with two heads is born. It dies shortly thereafter.
- A rain of snails
- Green Sun
- A meteor shower appears in the night sky. It is not a “regular” event.
- Green Sunset
- Purple Moon
- Black hail
- Green snow
- In a stone quarry, workers cutting stone find a mysterious inscription inside the rock.
- A rain of fish
- 1d6 luminous objects are seen in the sky, remaining for 1d10 minutes before disappearing at vast speed.
- Blue gelatinous substance falls from the sky.
- Black snow
- A single stone sphere the size of a grapefruit falls from a perfectly clear sky.
- A humanoid shape is seen briefly obscuring the face of the sun. 35% chance it has wings.
- Hailstorm with stones the size of hens’ eggs
- Green gelatinous substance falls from the sky.
- Orange snow
- Pink snow
- Hailstorm with normal-sized hail except one the size of an elephant
- Purple snow
- Clouds over a particular area are seen to form geometric shapes (lasts for 1d6 hours).
- A beam of light of unknown origin illuminates a small area (such as a particular farm, a park, an inn, etc.) for 1d4 hours. The light is as bright as daylight, but has no discernable source.
- Orange Moon
- Beautiful singing and music is heard coming from a cloudless sky. This lasts 1d20 minutes.
- A black spot is seen moving swiftly across the face of the sun.
- Yellow Moon
- A bright spot is seen moving swiftly across the face of Luna.
- Green rain
- Pink Moon
- Yellow rain
- Red Sun
- A rain of dead birds of various types
- Purple Sun
- Loud thunderous noise is heard in an otherwise clear sky, lasting 1-100 minutes.
- Blue Sunset
- Pink rain
- A rain of perfectly cubical pieces of ice
- Grey Sun
- Blue snow
- Pink Sunset
- A freshwater fish is caught in the ocean with no ill effect.
- Purple Sunset
- An area is subjected to night-like darkness in the middle of the day, lasting 11-30 (1d20+10) minutes.
- Red gelatinous substance falls from the sky.
- A luminous ring appears around Luna (50%), Celene (25%), or both (25%).
- A single smallish stone falls from a perfectly clear sky (5% it has strange writing on it, 5% it is a lodestone).
- A hitherto-unseen star shines very brightly in the night sky, brighter than any other object save the moons. This lasts for 1d6 days, and then the star disappears.
- Pink hail
- A rain of pebbles
- Hordes of (ordinary) caterpillars are seen after a snowstorm.
- Red rain
- Red hail
- Blue rain
- Snowstorm with flakes the size of saucers
- The footprint of a horse (25%), goat (25%), or man (25% bare, 25% shod) appears in a stone floor, step, or street suddenly, overnight, with no witnesses.
- A large stone found completely inside a tree (5% it has unknown writing on it).
- A human or demi-human baby is born with a tail.
- Orange hail
- In a stone quarry, workers cutting stone find a human footprint inside the rock.
- Yellow hail
- Yellow gelatinous substance falls from the sky.
- Blue Sun
- A comet appears in the night sky, visible for 1d12 days.
- Red Moon
- A rain of small stones
- A rain of milk
- A single bright light (50%) or group of lights (50%) is seen in the dark area of Luna.
- A salt-water fish is caught in a lake or river with no ill effect.
- A rain of oil (non-flammable)
- Black rain
- Pink gelatinous substance falls from the sky.
- A rain of butter
- Lightning strikes from an otherwise-clear sky.
- Orange gelatinous substance falls from the sky.
- A gold ring is found in the egg of a hen or duck.
- Red snow
- A rain of urine
- Blue hail
- Green hail
- A child is born entirely blue-skinned. The color fades away in a few weeks.
- Green Moon
- A rain of meat (of unknown type)
- Yellow snow
- Black gelatinous substance falls from the sky.
- A rain of snakes
- Purple rain
- A brilliant fireball-style meteor is seen in the sky.
- Pink Sun
- Blue Moon
- A rain of frogs (50%) or toads (50%) – they are always only a few months old, never tadpoles or adults
- A rain of blood
- A tree bleeds when it is cut down.
- The shadow of the Oerth on the moons is reversed.
- An Aurora Borealis is seen in unusually southern latitudes (re-roll if you are already in a locale where auroras are commonly seen).
- Purple hail
- Two effects in rapid succession or simultaneous (re-roll, ignoring rolls of 99 or 100)
- Three effects in rapid succession or simultaneous (re-roll, ignoring rolls of 99 or 100)
[EDIT: I randomized the list; I think it works better this way.]
Just remember not to eat the Yellow Snow. 😉
Very cool list. Reminds me of every UFO and Bermuda Triangle book I read in the ’70’s when I was a kid.