Yeah, that happened to me the other day. But it’s a good thing, because the finished product is going to be about a thousand times cooler than it would have been had I followed the original plan.
Special Bonus: I’ve got a two-week deadline to get it into a workable form.
Sadly, this has happened to me many times, so I know your pain.
That's probably reason number 2 that I don't finish many of my own projects.
Decided to re-do "Castle of the Mad Arch-Mage" did you?
Perish the thought, GM! That one is out the door.
Last night, as I was within a couple of hours from completing my OSRIC Player's Guide, something I've been working on for MONTHS…
I discovered I had somehow left out the spell description for Magic Missile.
All those tedious hours spent doing page numbers, page headers, the spell index, the lay out, etc., etc., up in flames.
I didn't get much sleep last night, but I do have a lot more imaginary friends now.
No work is ever wasted, unless you stop working. Then you lock in your losses, as it were.