Gygax Magazine Live Release Party

Got this in my inbox today. I might just make the journey into Brooklyn for this!

It’s been quite a wait, but it’s finally time! The first issue of Gygax magazine will be unboxed at 2pm EST on Saturday, January 26th at The Brooklyn Strategist. We’ll be streaming the unboxing live at for everyone who can’t be in New York City that day.

As soon as the first box is opened, you’ll be able to order single copies or subscriptions online. (And of course, we’ll have them in the store as well.)

The staff of Gygax magazine, including Ernie Gygax, Luke Gygax, Tim Kask, Jayson Elliot, Jim Wampler, and James Carpio, will be online for a video Q&A. We’ll have some other special guests that day as well. 

After the unboxing, we’ll keep the video running while we run gaming events all afternoon. There will be a limited number of online seats available to join the in-store games via the virtual tabletop Roll20. A followup email will be sent next week with a link to a form where you can sign up to play online.

Keep following us on Twitter and Facebook for more details as we get closer to the unboxing day! We’ll be sending a followup email next week with details for anyone who wants to attend the event in person.

Written by 

Wargamer and RPG'er since the 1970's, author of Adventures Dark and Deep, Castle of the Mad Archmage, and other things, and proprietor of the Greyhawk Grognard blog.