A few people have expressed confusion as to what exactly my “Dragonne Magazine” is. I endeavor to clarify the origin, and intent, and hopefully have a bit of fun along the way.

A few people have expressed confusion as to what exactly my “Dragonne Magazine” is. I endeavor to clarify the origin, and intent, and hopefully have a bit of fun along the way.
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Just wanted to let you know how much your attention to meticulous detail is appreciated. I recognized Dragonne Magazine for what it was when you started publishing these articles. I am an old school gamer (started in 1977), and was a reader of those original Dragon Magazines which you are emulating beautifully. I really feel you are carrying the torch that Gary Gygax was forced to drop, and you are really producing exciting articles and modules that resonate with me as a 1st Edition DM. Thank you for all you do!!!